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for Associations

Elevate your impact with industry leading member education.


Is your association fully leveraging the value of education to engage individual and organisational members to drive your industry agenda forward?


Do you have great education content but the digital customer experience is you letting down?


Do you want to make your education offering more scalable and attractive to new members?

Guroo Academy helps associations and industry bodies deliver a complete education experience, from discovery and purchase through to learning, assessment and evaluation, that not only engages and impresses, but also helps forge the skills to drive your industry forward.  

Professional accreditation

Deliver & track

CPD programs

Expanded professional network

Engage, retain and grow

your membership base

Industry certification

Take the lead with

industry certifications

Blended learning across multiple environments

Blend online, in person

and virtual learning

Guroo is trusted by industry leaders.

Chartered accountants Australia and New Zealand
National Precast
CPA Australia
Guroo Academy has been an essential tool for AusIMM in supporting those who are building a professional career in the resources sector. It has allowed us to deliver learning solutions to the industry in collaboration with leading organisations and industry experts, integrating powerful blended content solutions, live virtual classrooms, action-based learning, robust assessment and digital credentials in a seamless and streamlined learning catalogue that has had international reach. Through Guroo Academy AusIMM has ensured that our philosophy has rung true, the platform has allowed us to ensure our online offerings have been made "by industry for industry" and given us the mechanism to allow resource professionals to access professional development opportunities related to their discipline, regardless of their locale and time zone.

Ben Roberts

Learning and Development Specialist


Key Features and Benefits for Industry Associations.

Promote your courses to members and
soon-to-be members

  • Brand aligned course catalogue

  • Course and private landing pages 

  • Lead magnets and enquiries management

Frictionless purchasing for individuals
and teams

  • Integrated eCommerce

  • Credit card & invoice payments

  • Buy for individuals & teams

Smooth from onboarding
to evaluation

  • Customised course onboarding

  • Learning objectives & goal setting

  • Learning journey & planning

Earn and track CPD points
with ease

  • Assign points or hours to courses

  • Expire points annually

  • Allow members to add external points

Mix and match in person, self-paced, virtual and work-integrated learning 

  • Self-paced and virtual  learning

  • Blended learning

  • Enriched face-to-face learning

Create certification programs
with formal assessment

  • Assessment tasks & tools

  • Certification and credentialing

  • Diagnostics & capability assessments

Help your members grow
with learning pathways

  • Learning pathways

  • Required & elective learning

Continuously improve with deep insights
reporting and evaluations

  • Diagnostics & capability assessments

  • Learner evaluations

  • Customer satisfaction & NPS

Integrate with leading membership portals

  • Robust APIs for integration

  • Access implementation support

Tap into our education partnerships.

We have partnerships with leading educators like UNSW. Through these partnerships you can:

  • Access a course library for your members CPD

  • Earn revenue from our learning referral program

  • Co-development opportunities for certification programs with universities

  • Provide pathways to further formal studies for your members

Need some extra support to make your
education dreams a reality?

We understand that creating and delivering learning requires some specific skills that not every Association has on hand, that’s where our Guroo Studio and Guroo Success teams can help.

Or maybe you're growing so fast you need some extra hands. While
Guroo Academy lets you create and deliver courses with ease, our Studio team is here to help you with both learning design and multimedia production, while our Success team can help you scale your learning delivery without taking on fixed costs and additional administrative overheads.   

Access expert skills

Course learning design
Video production
CPD eLearning design
Facilitation design
Animation & illustration
Desktop publishing

Guroo Studio

Augment or reduce internal headcount

Platform management
Course set up
End user support
Management of at risk learners
Webinar moderation
Assessment and feedback

Guroo Success

Guroo Learning is already helping
industry associations
scale growth.


Institute of public works engineering Australasia

IPWEA wished to develop a short, self paced microcredential on Asset Tracking and Monitoring, which will inform learners about the different technologies available, use cases, benefits of asset tracking and planning to implement it in their own organisation.

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