eLearning Guroo Blog | Guroo Producer

November Product Update – changes to Guroo Pro, Analytics and Academy

Written by Josh Humphries | 09-Nov-2021 23:15:00

Our latest product update has arrived, bringing new features and functionality to PRODUCER, ANALYTICS and ACADEMY- our learning platforms team have been busy working on a huge list of updates, with a focus on increasing usability, allowing access to deeper reporting, and adding some much requested features, plus lots of under the hood enhancements and some big improvements to the systems you use the most.

Guroo Pro & Analytics

Flip Cards
You have all been waiting for it, and it’s finally arrived – our new flip card objects! With this object, you can blend together images, icons and text to create flip cards, either in a stack or in a grid. Fully mobile responsive and WCAG AA compliant, these will help you take your interactivity to the next level.

Multi-Factor Authentication
We’ve added the ability to enable email-based multi-factor authentication on your PRODUCER Team, giving you added security and control.

Learning KPI Dashboard
Guroo ANALYTICS now has a KPI dashboard to track KPI results from your learning modules, giving you better insights into learner performance and letting you monitor the results that have the greatest impact on your organisation.

Self-Assessment Dashboard
Our Guroo ANALYTICS customers have exclusive access to self-assessments, letting you define reflective questionnaires that encourage your learners to measure their progress and skills development across multiple indicators. The new Self-Assessment dashboard will let you report on the results, easily seeing the impact of your learning programs on your learner’s confidence and competence.

Guroo Academy

Catalogue Updates
The team has been working on a swag of updates to our Catalogue. Our Catalogue can be used in both paid and free mode, giving you a place to sell your programs or simply to make them available to your team for self-enrolment.

New catalogue features include:

● Enhanced enquiry forms with downloadable lead magnets
● Discount codes
● Pay by invoice with invoice reminders
● Coordinator issued invoices and credit card sales to support phone sales
● Improved program listings with additional information
● Improved onboarding for paying customers
● Enhanced strip integrations

Improved Learning Objective Reporting
Learning objective reporting now features a radar chart, with the option to dig deeper for insights into your learners’ thoughts and priorities on your learning programs.

Adaptive, Optional, Elective and Recommended Sections
You can now create more personalised and complex learning journeys with the use of adaptive, optional, elective and recommended sections in your learning journeys.

User Profile Update
The user profile has been redesigned to give you more information about each participant, including payment information, enrolment details and the user’s interactions with your learning.

Academy API
We have now launched our Academy API allowing you to integrate Academy with your other systems, including your LMS or CRM, to create a seamless learning experience for your team. Details can be found here and we will be adding more APIs and greater functionality over the coming months.

We're developing our platforms to make it easier than ever to create more effective and engaging learning. To see more of what you can do with Guroo producer, see our full range of platforms here or get in touch with us and set up a meeting to discuss your next project.